Welcome to our home!
over 130 years of tradition
“Hic manebimus optime” says the sign on our door, a thought that condenses our joy in lovingly welcoming those who come to visit us, wishing us to give a moment of serenity and pleasure to our table.

Our House in Istria

Our House in Venice
Michela and Emanuele Scarello

the Restaurant
at the Agli Amici table
In this gorgeous region of Italy, which manages to embrace both the sea and the mountains, the chef has at their disposal freshly caught sea bass, langoustines, and Istrian sea urchins, seaweed from the Grado lagoon and the Gulf of Trieste, meats from the Friulian pezzata rossa cattle and pork, vegetables – particularly the Godia potatoes – and wild herbs collected from the stable meadows.
All ingredients that are the basis of our cuisine,
where the superfluous is discarded and the essence is sought.

what happens at Agli Amici?
all the news
GuestBook – the thoughts of our guests
“Congratulazioni per quello che riuscite a far vivere ai vostri ospiti!
Serata letteralmente da sogno!
Grazie di cuore!
–Patrizia e Mario
Un viaggio meraviglioso tra antichi e moderni sapori, un viaggio che ripeteremo molto presto!
–Dr. Marvin Ho, Taipei Language Institute
I must agree that this is one of the most competitive Italian Restaurant I have ever had during my past two weeks trip in Europe. The food, service was fantastic.
–Patrizia e Mario
La prima volta qui era il 6 maggio 1962, l’ultima (anzi la penultima!) …oggi in occasione del nostro papà Celso. Happy Birthday!
É stato un piacere festeggiarlo assieme a voi.
Con affetto.
your table at Agli Amici

Agli Amici 1887
via Liguria, 252
33100 Udine
+39 0432.565411
©2025 Agli Amici 1887. All Rights Reserved. [p.i. IT01049700303] – site credits Luckydesign / images iKon